How to use bluetooth to connect CR2 colorimeter
When customers bought our CR1/CR2/CR3 color reader meter colorimeters back to use, they asked us how to use it to connect PC software with bluetooth because our specifications wrote that they supported bluetooth.
Yes they are right. They really support bluetooth, but it doesn't have our company bluetooth dongle, so they can't use this function, or they buy a extra bluetooth dongle from us.
Here are the steps to guide you how to connect with it according to model CR2 color reader meter for example.
First you need to use our bluetooth dongle 5.0.
And plug it into computer.
Then open the SQCX software, and choose connection way with bluetooth 5.0.
It will go to another interface to search the bluetooth device, and click start search. We will see the model CR2: 4000219 sn number there.
We have to click "stop search" and go to choose model CR2.
Finally click “connect" then we will finish the connection for model CR2 color reader meter.
If you have any question about our 3nh brand colorimeter, or spectrophotometer or gloss meter, please feel free to contact me or