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Sineimage YE0279 4K (UHD TV) UNIVERSAL TEST CHART 16:9

This YE0279 test chart is designed for quick (mainly visual) appraisal of transmission characteristics of 4K (UHD TV) cameras.
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Sineimage YE0279 4K (UHD TV) UNIVERSAL TEST CHART 16:9







280*157.5mm(A280 & D240)



Material Film or HD photographic paper 

Sineimage YE0279 4K (UHD TV) UNIVERSAL TEST CHART 16:9

This YE0279 test chart is designed for quick (mainly visual) appraisal of transmission characteristics of 4K (UHD TV) cameras.

In the center of the test chart on a gray background (D=0.75; transmission = 18%) a white circle with gray scales and resolution wedges is located. On both sides of this central circle four circles with resolution wedges are arranged.

The 16:9 format is marked by four arrows located on the horizontal and vertical central lines. In addition, four arrows located close to the circles on the upper and the bottom edge of the picture mark the 4:3 format.

The white central circles shows four gray scales each of 11 steps. They increase in equal linear steps from D=0.15 to D=1.65 and are used for checking halftone rendition of cameras. Due to the white surrounding area the results may, however, be qualified.

All frequency values in the camera test chart are indicated in cph (cycles per picture height). In the central circle  three resolution wedges with different frequencies are arranged vertically and horizontally. They reach from 200 to 500, from 400 to 1000 and from 800 to 2000 cph. In addition, two resolution wedges angled in 45° generate frequencies of 400 to 1000 cph.

In the middle of the camera test chart and on the left and right sides there are four squares with line rasters that are inclined at angles of 0, 45, 90 and 135°. They gene rate a frequency of 400 cph. Those line rasters which are inclined at angles of 45° and 135° generate a diffe rent frequency in horizontal and vertical direction (due to their inclination).

The eight outer circles are arranged in such a way that they can be used both for 16:9 and 4:3 format. The larger ones show cross-shaped resolution wedges. The circular rings, which can also be used for checking geometry, are designed for marking the resolution in vertical and horizontal direction. Resolution is shown at 400, 600, 800, 1200 and 1600 cph. The four circles in the corners have longer resolution wedges. They  cross at 640 cph and have markings from 400 to 1600 cph.

In the center of the test chart both in the gray and white area bar elements are arranged with a length of 1 (=half the picture-height), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 cph. Left to right vertical gray scale there are five additional short bars with 100 to 900 and 200 to 1800 cph.
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