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SineImage YE0270X OECF noise SNR and dynamic range chart v2

Transparent gray scale test chart with variable center density to determine the OECF, noise, SNR and dynamic range of cameras that only offer auto-exposure and autofocus functions (e. g. mobile devices).
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Date:2019-08-14  Browse:
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SineImage YE0270X OECF noise SNR and dynamic range chart v2






280 x 157.5mm



Material Film
SineImage YE0270X OECF noise SNR and dynamic range chart v2
Product name: YE0270X V2

Principle: Transparent gray scale test chart with variable center density to determine the OECF, noise, SNR and dynamic range of cameras that only offer auto-exposure and autofocus functions (e. g. mobile devices)

The YE0270X chart is similar to the YE0264 but it is equipped with two polarizing filters in the center of the chart. For cameras that do not allow a manual adjustment of the exposure, the automatic exposure control (AEC) is fooled by modifying the density (transmission) of the central part of the test chart. This feature is especially important for low-end cameras and camera modules in mobile devices that often do not have a manual exposure adjustment.

YE0270X version 2 (V2) uses the same data measurements as the original version, but has a different hardware design. The first version of the YE0270X uses two plates of glass built around the chart film. On occasion we encountered a few problems with stray light and reflections from the glass. Version 2 replaces the glass with a metal frame, which greatly reduces the chance of stray light and reflections.


Type/s of pattern gray scale, circular arranged (most optical systems are rotationally symmetric so all patches will be affected in the same way by shading)
Contrast 10,000:1 (80 dB, 13 f-stops) ☐ other: ____________________________
Quality X-version*
Number of steps 20
Arrangement of steps according to ISO 14524
Values that can be gathered from analysis

• OECF / gamma curve
• dynamic range • noise
• temporal noise
• visual noise

• ISO speed of the camera

Gray scale No.
Reference density Reference density
1.000.000:1  10.000:1
1 0.03 0.03
2 0.10 0.10
3 0.17 0.17
4 0.25 0.24
5 0.33 0.32
6 0.42 0.41
7 0.52 0.50
8 0.62 0.59
9 0.73 0.70
10 0.85 0.81
11 0.99 0.94
12 1.14 1.08
13 1.31 1.23
14 1.50 1.41
15 1.73 1.61
16 2.01 1.85
17 2.37 2.15
18 2.86 2.53
19 3.65 3.08
20 6.03 4.03
Background 2.05 1.38
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