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45/0 method and d/8 geometry structure

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45/0 method and d/8 geometry structure45/0 method (45 ring-shaped illumination, vertical viewing)45/0° geometry illuminates the sample with a beam striking the sample at an angle of 45° while the detector views the sample at an angle of 90&de

45/0 method and d/8 geometry structure


45/0 method (45 ring-shaped illumination, vertical viewing) 


45/0° geometry illuminates the sample with a beam striking the sample at an angle of 45° while the detector views the sample at an angle of 90°. This is advantageous when seeking to match or evaluate color samples thanks to the reported agreement with visual assessments. A distinct disadvantage to this geometry, however, is the inability to examine transparent and translucent samples.


45/0° geometry illuminates the sample with a beam striking the sample at an angle of 45° while the detector views the sample at an angle of 90°. This is advantageous when seeking to match or evaluate color samples thanks to the reported agreement with visual assessments. A distinct disadvantage to this geometry, however, is the inability to examine transparent and translucent samples.The specimen is directly lit at 45° and the angle measurement meter measures the light reflected in one direction from the specimen at a 0° angle (Also possiblevice versa!) This way gloss is excluded and there is a better accordance with the visual impression of the human eye. This can be compared to changing the view angle to avoid disturbing reflections when reading a high gloss magazine in direct sunlight. Contrary to sphere measurement this direct measurement will show the ”real” visual difference between a mat and glossy colour swatch specimen (e.g. mat colour swatch ↔ glossy screen ink). Sphere meters try to imitate this using a gloss separator, however not with the same effective result. Angle geometry is especially suitable for smooth or only slightly structured surfaces.

45/0 spectrophotometer


3nh produced colorimeter, spectrophotometer, gloss meter and color light box, it has a few 45/0 method colorimeters and spectrophotometers like model NS800 spectrophotometer, NR20XE colorimeter, NR145 colorimeter. 


de:8°(diffused illumination, 8-degree viewing angle)


Sphere measurement d/8° Sphere measurement meters measure the light reflected in one direction from the specimen, which is subjected to scattered lighting. Measurement is carried out at a 8° vertical angle. The advantage is the possibility to attach a so-called gloss separator to a further opening of the sphere, which avoids lighting of the specimen under an 8° thus eliminating the gloss. Measurement with gloss separators is only useful if the specimen show high gloss. When carrying out measurements with this sphere geometry the surface structure of the specimen does not play a very important role, i.e. measurement values only change to a minor extent when measuring specimen with different surface structures (e.g. textiles, rough plastics etc.).


d/8 spectrophotometer


d/8 is a very common optical structure for many applications, and 3nh offered many models colorimeters and spectrophotometers like model YS3060 spectrophotometer, YS3020 spectrophotometer, YS3010 spectrophotometer, NS810/NS820 spectrophotometer,  NH310/NH300/NR200/NR60CP/NR110 colorimeter. 


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